Bienvenue chez Teknis France

Les comsommables pour les fabrications élèctroniques.

Le Test In-Situ, foctionnel, la programmation ISP.

Le brasage «Haute Température».

Bienvenue chez Teknis France

L‘ étanchéité statique et dynamique sous haute pression et hautes températures.

Le contrôle et la mesure des températures dans les secteurs industriels et alimentaires.

La manipulation des charges complexes.

Les Portiques et SAS d'entrées industrielles salles propres.

Programmation de Composants

Etanchéité Haute Pression et Température

Manutention de Charges Complexes






Protection des biens et des personnes

Testeur TRI


Modules de Sondes de Test MULTIPLES pour Test de DIODES

Feasa LED Analyser

The Ultimate Solution to LED Intensity Issues

FEASA Analyser


When choosing which Model is most suitable for your application there are a number of issues to consider. In this regard the choice of Interface is very important.



Feasa IFeasa F
USB No Yes
RS232 Yes Yes
20 Pin Port - Frequency Out Yes No
20 Pin Port - Synchronous Out Yes No
Daisy Chain No Yes
External Trigger



Feasa Optical Heads

Feasa Optical Heads are special receptacles that improve the stability of intensity measurements.

FEASA Optical Heads


Feasa LED Spectrometer and Integrating Spheres

Intelligent Spectrometer for LED Calibration

FEASA Spectro

Feasa Legend

A LED Test Solution for Applications with Large LED Counts

FEASA Legend

The Feasa LEGEND systems consists of two component parts, a Hub and a LED Analyser.

The Hub can be mounted in the Test Station or in the Test Fixture and can control up to 8 LED Analysers.
Each LED Analyser can test up to 20 LEDs and a fully populated Hub can test up to 160 LEDs.
Hubs may be added together to test a larger number of LEDs.



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